Queen's English — n BrE speak the Queen s English to speak very correctly and in a way that is typical of people who belong to the highest social class →↑King s English … Dictionary of contemporary English
Queen's English — ► NOUN ▪ the English language as correctly written and spoken in Britain … English terms dictionary
Queen's English — noun English as spoken by educated persons in southern England • Syn: ↑King s English • Hypernyms: ↑English, ↑English language * * * the ˌQueen s ˈEnglish 7 [Queen s English] … Useful english dictionary
Queen's English — noun BrE speak the Queen s English to speak very correctly and in a way that is typical of people who belong to the highest social class see also: King s English … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Queen's English, the — noun OLD FASHIONED the form of spoken and written British English that is considered correct by most people … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
queen's English — queen s′ Eng′lish n. ling. See king s English • Etymology: 1585–95 … From formal English to slang
Queen's English Society — The Queen s English Society was founded in 1972 by Joe Clifton, an Oxford graduate and schoolteacher. HistoryA letter Mr. Clifton had sent to his local newspaper (the West Sussex Gazette) deploring the current decline in standards of English had… … Wikipedia
Queen’s English — the English language as it is correctly written or spoken in Britain. It is called the King’s English when a king is ruling. * * * … Universalium
Queen's English — noun Especially in England, spoken or written English which is standard, characterized by grammatical correctness, proper usage of words and expressions, and (when spoken) formal British pronunciation. But I am not so timid, and can speak the… … Wiktionary
queen's English — n. proper English, sophisticated use of English … English contemporary dictionary