- Guild for Exceptional Children
The Guild for Exceptional Children is a nonprofit organization in
Brooklyn which offers schooling and other services for children and adults with adisability . It identifies itself as a "provider of direct and indirect services for developmentally delayed or disabled persons, from infancy through old age, and their families."ervices
The Louis Boehm Diagnostic and Counseling Clinic
Provides screenings, evaluations, referrals and therapeutic services.
The Carrie Mastronardi Early Childhood Education Center
Serves children from birth to age four, and their families.
Day Habilitation Program
Provides adults with moderate and mild mental retardation with community-based activities.
Hope C. Morrison Day Center
Provides both Day Treatment and Day Habilitation.
Pre-Vocational Day-Hab Without Walls
Provides training and work experience for adults with mental retardation.
Early Intervention
Offers service coordination, evaluation and therapeutic services in the following areas:
*Special instruction
*Speech and language therapy
*Occupational therapy
*Feeding therapy
*Physical therapy
*Social workResidential Services
Offers several residential facilities in southwest Brooklyn with services varying according to individual needs.
horticultural therapy activities in a greenhouse and other horticultural facilities which serve as part of several other programs. The Guild for Exceptional Children is a member of theAmerican Horticultural Therapy Association .Waiver Services
Helps families get access to services that they might not otherwise be able to participate in.
Other specialized services
*Medicaid Service Coordination
*Social Rehabilitation
*Senior Day Center
*Family Support/In Home RespiteHistory
The Guild for Exceptional Children was founded about 50 years ago at a time when many public schools did not provide classes for some children with a disability. The founding president of the Guild for Exceptional Children was Olga DeFelippo (died November 3, 2005) [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9806E0DE143EF936A35752C1A9639C8B63] . In 2001, the City of New York renamed part of 68th Street in Brooklyn, between Ridge Boulevard and 3rd Avenue, as "Guild For Exceptional Children Way." [http://www.nyc.gov/html/om/html/2001b/pr312-01.html]
External links
* [http://www.gecbklyn.org/ Official site]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.