Linda White Mazini Villari

Linda White Mazini Villari

Linda White Villari (née Mazini) (1836 - 1915) was an author and translator.


* In the Golden Shell. A story of Palermo (London, 1872)
* In Change unchanged (2 volumes, London, 1877)
* Camilla's Girlhood (T Fisher Unwin, London, 1885)
* On Tuscan Hills and Venetian Waters (T Fisher Unwin, London, 1885)
* When I was a child; or, Left behind (T F Unwin, London, 1885)
* Here and there in Italy and over the Border (W H Allen & Co, London, 1893)
* Oswald von Wolkenstein. A memoir of the last Minnesinger of Tirol (J M Dent & Co, London, 1901).


Works by Pasquale Villari

* Niccolo Machiavelli and his times (2 volumes, London, 1878)
* Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola (2nd edition, 2 volumes, T Fisher Unwin, London, 1889)
* The Two First Centuries of Florentine History (2 volumes, T Fisher Unwin, London, 1894-1895)
* The Barbarian Invasions of Italy (T Fisher Unwin, London, 1902)
* Studies, Historical and Critical (T Fisher Unwin, London, 1907).

Other works

* MoÌr Joikai, Life in a Cave, from the Hungarian (W Swan Sonnenschein & Co, London, [1884] )
* HRH Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, Duke of the Abruzzi, The Ascent of Mount St Elias, Alaska (A Constable & Co, Westminster, 1900)

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