Albert Vanhoye

Albert Vanhoye

Albert Vanhoye, SJ (born July 23, 1923 at Hazebrouck, France) is a priest of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) and exegete. He was created cardinal in 2006. He gave the 2008 Lenten Papal and Curial Retreat.

Formation and Studies

He entered the Society of Jesus in 1941 and studied at Jesuit Scholasticates in France and Belgium, as well as obtaining a licentiate and doctorate in sacred scripture with a thesis on the Letter to the Hebrews, from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. He was ordained priest on July 25, 1954

Teaching and Research

After a stint at the French Jesuit study house of Chantilly he was called to Rome where he has been from 1963 till 1998 (when he was made "emeritus") professor of Scriptures at the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome, of which he has also been the Rector for 6 years (1984-1990). He directed 29 theses, most of them studying and analysing aspects of the New Testament Letters. On the Letter to the Hebrews, he is acknowledged as being possibly the best expert in the world. He is still a Consultor for a number of dicasteries of the Roman Curia. For a long time he had been Secretary of the Pontifical Biblical Commission. This was where Cardinal Ratzinger came to know him personally and appreciate his competence in Biblical matters.


He was created Cardinal-Deacon of "S. Maria della Mercede e Sant'Adriano a Villa Albani" by Pope Benedict XVI at the consistory of 24 March 2006, after he was already 80 (and therefore already ineligible to vote in future conclaves). The Holy Father dispensed him from the obligation to be consecrated bishop on his elevation to Cardinal.

Main works

* "La structure littéraire de l'Epître aux Hébreux", Desclée de Brouwer, Tournai, 1963.
* "Situation du Christ. Epître aux hébreux 1 et 2", Paris, 1969.
* "Prêtres anciens, prêtre nouveau selon le Nouveau Testament", Paris, 1980.
* "La lettre aux Hébreux: Jésus-Christ, médiateur d'une nouvelle alliance", Paris, 2002.

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