List of pirate films

List of pirate films

The following is a chronological list of films dealing with piracy, especially Golden Age piracy from the 17th through 18th centuries.


*"The Pirate's Gold" (1908)


*"Treasure Island" (1912)
*"Pirate Gold" (1913)
*"Pirate Haunts" (1915)
*"Colonel Heeza Liar and the Pirates" (1916)
*"Daphne and the Pirate" (1916)
*"The Sea Panther" (1918)
*"Treasure Island" (1918)


*"Pirate Gold" (1920)
*"Treasure Island" (1920)
*"Cold Steel" (1921)
*"Captain Kidd" (1922)
*"The Buccaneers" (1924)
*"Captain Blood" (1924)
*"Peter Pan" (1924)
*"Clothes Make the Pirate" (1925)
*"The Black Pirate" (1926) ("The Black Buccaneer")
*"Breed of the Sea" (1926)
*"Old Ironsides (1926) ("Sons of the Sea")
*"The Road to Romance (1927)
*"The First Kiss" (1928)
*"Pirates of Panama" (1929)


*"Hell Harbor" (1930)
*"Pirate Treasure" (1934)
*"Treasure Island" (1934)
*"Captain Blood" (1935)
*"China Seas" (1935)
*"Pirate Party on Catalina Isle" (1935)
*"Captain Calamity" (1936)
*"Dr. Syn" (1937)
*"The Buccaneer" (1938)
*"Spawn of the North" (1938)


*"The Sea Hawk" (1940)
*"The Black Swan" (1942)
*"Reap the Wild Wind" (1942)
*"El Corsario Negro" (1944)
*"Frenchman's Creek" (1944)
*"Princess and the Pirate" (1944)
*"Captain Kidd" (1945)
*"The Spanish Main" (1945)
*"Pirates of Monterey" (1947)
*"The Sea Hound" (1947)
*"Sinbad the Sailor" (1947)
*"Buccaneer Bunny" (1948)
*"The Pirate" (1948)


*"Buccaneer's Girl" (1950)
*"Double Crossbones" (1950)
*"Fortunes of Captain Blood" (1950)
*"Last of the Buccaneers" (1950)
*"Pirates of the High Seas" (1950)
*"Two Lost Worlds" (1950)
*"Treasure Island" (1950)
*"Captain Horatio Hornblower" (1951)
*"Anne of the Indies" (1951)
*"Hurricane Island" (1951)
*"Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd" (1952)
*"Against All Flags" (1952)
*"Blackbeard the Pirate" (1952)
*"Captain Pirate" (1952) ("Captain Blood, Fugitive")
*"The Crimson Pirate" (1952)
*"The Golden Hawk" (1952)
*"Caribbean Gold" (1952)
*"Yankee Buccaneer" (1952)
*"Peter Pan" (1953)
*"Fair Wind to Java" (1953)
*"The Great Adventures of Captain Kidd" (1953)
*"Prince of Pirates" (1953)
*"Raiders of the Seven Seas (1953)
*"The Black Pirates" (1954)
*"Captain Hareblower" (1954)
*"Captain Kidd and the Slave Girl" (1954)
*"Long John Silver" (1954) ("Long John Silver's Return to Treasure Island")
*"Return to Treasure Island (1954)
*"Moonfleet" (1955)
*"Pirates of Tripoli" (1955)
*"The Buccaneers" (1956)
*"La Bigorne" (1958)
*"The Buccaneer" (1958)


*"The Boy and the Pirates" (1960)
*"Captain Blood" (1960)
*"Queen of the Pirates" (1960)
*"The Adventure of Mary Read" (1961)
*"Rage of the Buccaneers" (1961)
*"Morgan, the Pirate" (1961)
*"Pirates of Tortuga" (1961)
*"Hero's Island" (1962)
*"The Pirates of Blood River" (1962)
*"Seven Seas to Calais" (1962)
*"The Son of Captain Blood" (1962)
*"The Lion of St. Mark" (1963)
*"Captain Clegg" (1964) ("Night Creatures")
*"The Devil-Ship Pirates" (1964)
*"Treasure Island" (1964)
*"Cold Steel for Tortuga" (1965)
*"A High Wind in Jamaica" (1965)
*"The King's Pirate" (1967)
*"Blackbeard's Ghost" (1968)


*"Pippi Longstocking on the Seven Seas" (1970)
*"Treasure Island" (1972)
*"Il Corsaro nero" (1976)
*"Swashbuckler" (1976) ("Scarlet Buccaneer")
*"Oro rojo" (1978)


*"The Island" (1980)
*"Los Diablos del mar" (1981)
*"The Pirate Movie" (1982)
*"Yellowbeard" (1983)
*"The Pirates of Penzance" (1983)
*"The Ice Pirates" (1984)
*"The Master of Ballantrae" (1984) (TV)
*"The Pirate" (1984)
*"The Goonies" (1985)
*"The Pirates of Penzance" (1985)
*"Treasure Island" (1985)
*"Return to Treasure Island (1985) TV mini series
*"Pirates" (1986)
*"Jim & Piraterna Blom" (1987) ("Jim and the Pirates")


*"Treasure Island" (1990) (TV)
*"Hook" (1991)
*"Pirate's Island" (1991) (TV)
*"Pirates of Darkwater" (1991) TV series
*"The Return to Treasure Island" (1992)
*"Matusalem" (1993)
*"Pirate Prince" (1993) (TV)
*"Pirates" (1994) TV series
*"" (1994) (TV)
*"Cutthroat Island" (1995)
*"Magic Island" (1995)
*"Muppet Treasure Island" (1996)
*"Pirate Tales" (1997) (mini) TV series
*"Matusalem II" (1998)


*"Treasure Planet" (2002)
*"Peter Pan" (2003)
*"" (2003)
*"Pirates" (2005)
*"" (2006)
*"Pirates of the Great Salt Lake" (2006)
*"" (2007)

Alphabetical listing

*"Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd" (1952)
*"Against All Flags" (1952)
*"Anne of the Indies" (1951)
*"The Adventure of Mary Read" (1961)
*"Cold Steel for Tortuga" (1965)
*"La Bigorne" (1958)
*"The Black Pirate" (1926) ("The Black Buccaneer")
*"The Black Pirates" (1954)
*"The Black Swan" (1942)
*"Blackbeard the Pirate" (1952)
*"Blackbeard's Ghost" (1968)
*"The Boy and the Pirates" (1960)
*"Breed of the Sea" (1926)
*"The Buccaneer" (1938)
*"The Buccaneer" (1958)
*"Buccaneer's Girl" (1950)
*"Buccaneer Bunny" (1948)
*"The Buccaneers" (1924)
*"The Buccaneers" (1956)
*"Captain Blood" (1924)
*"Captain Blood" (1935)
*"Captain Blood" (1960)
*"Captain Calamity" (1936)
*"Captain Clegg" (1964) ("Night Creatures")
*"Captain Hareblower" (1954)
*"Captain Horatio Hornblower" (1951)
*"Captain Kidd" (1922)
*"Captain Kidd" (1945)
*"Captain Kidd and the Slave Girl" (1954)
*"Captain Pirate" (1952) ("Captain Blood, Fugitive")
*"Caribbean Gold"
*"China Seas" (1935)
*"Clothes Make the Pirate" (1925)
*"Cold Steel" (1921)
*"El Corsario Negro" (1944)
*"The Crimson Pirate" (1952)
*"Cutthroat Island" (1995)
*"The Devil-Ship Pirates" (1964)
*"Los Diablos del mar" (1981)
*"Dr. Syn" (1937)
*"Double Crossbones" (1950)
*"Fair Wind to Java" (1953)
*"The First Kiss" (1928)
*"Fortunes of Captain Blood" (1950)
*"Frenchman's Creek" (1944)
*"The Golden Hawk" (1952)
*"The Goonies" (1985)
*"The Great Adventures of Captain Kidd" (1953)
*"Hell Harbor" (1930)
*"Hero's Island" (1962)
*"A High Wind in Jamaica" (1965)
*"Hook" (1991)
*"Hurricane Island" (1951)
*"The Ice Pirates" (1984)
*"The Island" (1980)
*"The King's Pirate" (1967)
*"Jim & Piraterna Blom" (1987) ("Jim and the Pirates")
*"Last of the Buccaneers" (1950)
*"The Lion of St. Mark" (1963)
*"Long John Silver" (1954) ("Long John Silver's Return to Treasure Island")
*"Magic Island" (1995)
*"The Master of Ballantrae" (1984) (TV)
*"Matusalem" (1993)
*"Matusalem II" (1998)
*"Moonfleet" (1955)
*"Morgan, the Pirate" (1961)
*"Muppet Treasure Island" (1996)
*"Old Ironsides (1926) ("Sons of the Sea")
*"Oro rojo" (1978)
*"Peter Pan" (1924)
*"Peter Pan" (1953)
*"Peter Pan" (2003)
*"The Pirate" (1948)
*"The Pirate" (1984)
*"Pirate Gold" (1920)
*"The Pirate Movie" (1982)
*"Pirate Party on Catalina Isle" (1935)
*"Pirate Prince" (1993) (TV)
*"Pirate Tales" (1997) (mini) TV series
*"Pirate Treasure" (1934)
*"Pirates" (1986)
*"Pirates" (1994) TV series
*"Pirates" (2005)
*"Pirate's Island" (1991) (TV)
*"The Pirates of Blood River" (1962)
*"Pirates of Darkwater" (1991) TV series
*"Pirates of Monterey" (1947)
*"Pirates of Panama" (1929)
*"The Pirates of Penzance" (1983)
*"The Pirates of Penzance" (1985)
*"Pirates of the High Seas" (1950)
*"Pirates of Tortuga" (1961)
*"Pirates of Tripoli" (1955)
*"" (2003)
*"" (2006)
*"" (2007)
*"Pirates of the Great Salt Lake" (2006)
*"Prince of Pirates" (1953)
*"Princess and the Pirate" (1944)
*"Queen of the Pirates" (1960)
*"Rage of the Buccaneers" (1961)
*"Raiders of the Seven Seas (1953)
*"Return to Treasure Island (1954)
*"Return to Treasure Island (1985) TV mini series
*"The Road to Romance (1927)
*"Reap the Wild Wind" (1942)
*"The Return to Treasure Island" (1992)
*"The Sea Hawk" (1940)
*"The Sea Hound" (1947)
*"Seven Seas to Calais" (1962)
*"Sinbad the Sailor" (1947)
*"The Son of Captain Blood" (1962) (US title)
*"The Spanish Main" (1945)
*"Spawn of the North" (1938)
*"Swashbuckler" (1976) ("Scarlet Buccaneer")
*"Two Lost Worlds" (1950)
*Treasure Island:
**"Treasure Island" (1920)
**"Treasure Island" (1934)
**"Treasure Island" (1950)
**"Treasure Island" (1964)
**"Treasure Island" (1973)
**"Treasure Island" (1985)
**"Treasure Island" (1990) (TV)
*"" (1994) (TV)
*"Treasure Planet" (2002)
*"Yankee Buccaneer" (1952)
*"Yellowbeard" (1983)

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