Gypsy language

Gypsy language

Gypsy language may refer to:
* The Romani language.
* The Gypsy programming language.

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  • Gypsy punk — is the term used to describe a hybrid musical genre that crosses traditional Roma music with punk rock and other brands of rebel music. The term first was coined by musician Eugene Hütz, when describing his band Gogol Bordello, to the New York… …   Wikipedia

  • Gypsy — [jip′sē] n. pl. Gypsies [earlier gypcien, short for Egipcien, Egyptian: orig. thought to have come from Egypt] 1. [also g ] a member of a nomadic Caucasoid people with dark skin and black hair, found throughout the world and believed to have… …   English World dictionary

  • Gypsy — Gyp sy (j[i^]p s[y^]), n.; pl. {Gypsies} (j[i^]p s[i^]z). [OE. Gypcyan, F. [ e]gyptien Egyptian, gypsy, L. Aegyptius. See {Egyptian}.] [Also spelled {gipsy} and {gypsey}.] 1. One of a vagabond race, whose tribes, coming originally from India,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Gypsy — also gipsy, c.1600, alteration of gypcian, a worn down M.E. dialectal form of egypcien Egyptian, from the supposed origin of these people. As an adjective, from 1620s. Cognate with Sp. Gitano and close in sense to Turkish and Arabic Kipti gypsy,… …   Etymology dictionary

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