TACSOP is an acronym commonly used by the
U.S. Military for TACtical Standard Operating Procedure. The TACSOP is essentially the "game-plan" that units follow when conducting tactical operations. Similar to sports team and "secret" plays, most units have a pre-determined default method for initiating attacks and solutions to problems that could arise.Battle drills
The different ways to attack the enemy or possibly be attacked are called
Battle Drills . The TACSOP includes plans such as
*MEDEVAC - MEDical EVACuation
*WARNO - WARNing Order
*OPORD - OPerations ORDerIndexing
TACSOPs are organized into the following format:
*Annex A: Task Organization
*Annex B: Command and Control
*Annex C: Operations
*Annex D: NBC
*Annex E: Air Defense Artillery
*Annex F: Fire Support
*Annex G: Fire Control and Distribution
*Annex H: Operational Security
*Annex I: Combat Service Support
*Annex J: Signal
*Annex K: Intelligence
*Annex L: Safety
*Annex L: LDPExternal links
* [https://atiam.train.army.mil/soldierPortal/appmanager/soldier/start?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=rdlservicespage Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.