

Infobox CityIT
img_coa = official_name = Comune di Platì
region = Calabria
province = Reggio Calabria (RC)
elevation_m =
area_total_km2 = 50
population_as_of = 2001
population_total = 3836
population_density_km2 = 77
timezone = CET, UTC+1
coordinates = coord|38|13|N|16|03|E
frazioni =
telephone = 0964
postalcode = 89039
gentilic =
saint =
day =
mayor =
website =

Platì ( _gr. Platy, "large") is a town and "comune" (municipality) in the province of Reggio Calabria, in Calabria, southern Italy. It is located next to the Aspromonte National Park. The town is well known for its bread.

'Ndrangheta stronghold

Plati is notorious for being a center of the powerful 'Ndrangheta, the Calabrian organized crime organization. The wealth of the crime families is well hidden, and the municipality is officially the one with the lowest per capita income in Italy. In a large scale operation in the night of 13 November 2003, thousands of "carabinieri" stormed the town, discovering hidden underground rooms and hallways and arresting 131 people. [de icon [ Im Schattenreich der Krake] , "Süddeutsche Zeitung", February 3, 2006]

The tunnels are sophisticated and in some places large enough to drive a lorry through. Most of the passages run parallel to the town's sewer system. Remote-controlled trap doors lead into houses, some of them uninhabited, enabling the mafiosi to escape from the police at a moment's notice. Some of the tunnels emerge outside the town close to woodland, while others open into animal pens and barns on local farms. [ [ Vast underground Mafia stronghold found in Calabria] , The Independent, July 31, 2002]

Platì is home to the Barbaro, Marando, Papalia and Sergi 'ndrine. Seven of Plati's mayors have failed to finish their terms: two were killed while still serving, while another five were removed from office on suspicion of corruption. [ [ Mafia lair stormed by 1,000-man hit team] , The Daily Telegraph, November 29, 2003]


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