- Frank Finn
Frank Finn FZS, MBOU (
1868 -October 1 ,1932 ) was an Englishornithologist .Finn was born inMaidstone and educated atMaidstone Grammar School andBrasenose College, Oxford . He went on a collecting expedition toEast Africa in 1892, and became First Assistant Superintendent of theIndian Museum ,Calcutta in 1894, and Deputy Superintendent from 1895 to 1903. He then returned to England, and was editor of the "Avicultural Magazine " in 1909-10.Finn was a prolific author, his works including "Garden and Aviary Birds of India", "How to Know the Indian Ducks" (1901), "Birds of Calcutta" (1901), "How to Know the Indian Waders" (1906), "Ornithological and other Oddities" (1907), "The Making of Species" (1909, with
Douglas Dewar ), "Eggs and Nests of British Birds" (1910) and "Indian Sporting Birds" (1915).The weaver bird "
Ploceus megarhynchus " was originally described from a specimen collected by A. O. Hume from Kaladhungi nearNainital in 1869. It was rediscovered near Calcutta by Finn and E. W. Oates called it Finn's Weaver around 1889-90. [Beolens, B. & M. Watkins. 2003. Whose bird? Men and women commemorated in the common names of birds. Christopher Helm.] [Beolens and Watkins (2003) incorrectly state that Finn collected the bird at Kaladhungi. The original description was by Hume based on his own collection and published in "The Ibis" (2) 5 : 356.] quote|Another species, though so far very rare and little known, needs mention here, as most of the recorded specimens have been met with in captivity. This is the Large-billed Weaver of the Terai (Ploceus megarhynchus) which has been confused with the Eastern Baya Weaver in ornithological works. The male of this species in its winter plumage and the female always is much like the ordinary Weavers in the corresponding garb, but noticeably larger, being almost as big as the "Pawi" or small Grey-headed Mynah. It is also of a duller brown and less streaked ; but these points were not considered sufficient to distinguish it by anyone except Mr. Hume, until I found, quite by accident, that the summer-plumaged male was very different from our other species. It is much more yellow, this colour extending all over the undersurface of the body and nearly all over the head, so that practically the only brown parts are the wings and tail.My friend Mr. E. W. Harper secured a specimen of this fine bird lately, which passed into the possession of a well-known naturalist at home. This was procured in Tiretta Bazar at Calcutta, and some time later a dozen birds of the species turned up there, and were bought for training by a Parsee resident of that city, who took them to England for exhibition. The two birds, on which I was able to re-establish the species which Mr. Hume had first named from two skins, were obtained from the late Mr. Rutledge at Entally, so that in Calcutta one has the best chance of coming across one of the rarest and least known of Indian birds, only the few specimens I have alluded to being known to exist.|Finn, 1915, Garden and aviary birds of India
* Mullens and Swann - A Bibliography of British Ornithology (1917)
External links
* [http://www.archive.org/details/HowToKnowTheIndianWaders How to know the Indian waders (1906)]
* [http://www.archive.org/details/TheWaterFowlOfIndianFowl The Waterfowl of India (1909)]
* [http://www.archive.org/details/TheGameBirds The gamebirds of India (1911)]
* [http://www.archive.org/details/birdgardenaviary00finnrich Garden and Aviary birds of India (1915)]
* [http://www.archive.org/details/birdsofcalcutta00finnrich The Birds of Calcutta (1904)]
* [http://www.archive.org/details/familiarlondonbi00finniala Familiar London Birds]
* [http://www.archive.org/details/ornithologicalot00finnrich Ornithological and other oddities (1907)]
* [http://www.archive.org/details/worldsbirdssimpl00finnrich The worlds birds (1908)]
* [http://www.archive.org/details/talksaboutbirds00finniala Talk about birds (1911)]
* [http://www.archive.org/details/birdbehaviourpsy00finnrich Bird behaviour: Psychical and Physiological (1919)]
* [http://www.archive.org/details/indiansportingbi00finn Indian Sporting Birds (1935)]
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