Raffles Holmes

Raffles Holmes

Raffles Holmes, the son of Sherlock Holmes, is a fictional character in the 1906 collection of short stories "Raffles Holmes and Company" by John Kendrick Bangs. He is described as the son of Sherlock Holmes by Marjorie Raffles, the daughter of gentleman thief A.J. Raffles.

Wold Newton theorist Win Scott Eckert devised an explanation in his "Original Wold Newton Universe Crossover Chronology" [http://www.pjfarmer.com/woldnewton/Chron4.htm] to reconcile the existence of Raffles Holmes with canonical information about Sherlock Holmes and A.J. Raffles, which fellow Wold Newton speculator Brad Mengel incorporated into his essay "Watching the Detectives." According to the theory, Holmes married Marjorie in 1883, and she died giving birth to Raffles later that year. Since Raffles and Holmes are contemporaries, it has been suggested that Marjorie was actually Raffles' sister.

Eckert further proposed in his "Crossover Chronology" that (1) Raffles Holmes was the same character as the "lovely, lost son" of Sherlock Holmes referred to in Laurie R. King's Mary Russell novels [http://www.pjfarmer.com/woldnewton/Chron6.htm] , and (2) Raffles Holmes was the the father of Creighton Holmes, who is featured in the collection of short stories "The Adventures of Creighton Holmes" by Ned Hubble [http://www.pjfarmer.com/woldnewton/Chron7.htm] .

Mengel's online essay was revised for publication in the Eckert-edited "Myths for the Modern Age: Philip José Farmer's Wold Newton Universe" (MonkeyBrain Books, 2005), a collection of Wold Newton essays by Farmer and several other "post-Farmerian" contributors, authorized by Farmer as an extension of his Wold Newton mythos.

He does not appear or is ever mentioned in any of the original stories of Sherlock Holmes and is not a creation of Sir A.Conan Doyle.

External links

*gutenberg|name=R. Holmes & Co.|no=20559
* [http://www.pjfarmer.com/woldnewton/Pulp2.htm Eckert, Win Scott. The Wold Newton Universe]
* [http://www.pjfarmer.com/secret/contributors/holmes-family-tree.htm Mengel, Brad. "Watching the Detectives, or The Family Tree of Sherlock Holmes"]
* [http://www.monkeybrainbooks.com/Myths_for_the_Modern_Age.html New book:] - "Myths for the Modern Age: Philip José Farmer's Wold Newton Universe" (ISBN 1-932265-14-7)

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