Certified Mail

Certified Mail
United States 15c certified mail stamp of 1955, postman

Certified Mail is a type of Special Service mail offered by the United States Postal Service and other postal services that allows the sender proof of mailing, as well as proof of delivery.[1] Certified Mail also provides the sender with a copy of the recipient's signature, which is obtained at the time of delivery, by the Postal Service. Certified Mail is only available for Priority Mail and First Class Mail[2] letters mailed within the United States and its territories (including APOs and FPOs).[3] Each piece of certified mail is assigned a unique tracking number. This number serves as both an official record of mailing and receipt of the item by the Postal Service.


Modern Usage

Today, Certified Mail is primarily used for important business mailings[citation needed]. It is also acceptable to send U.S. Government classified information at the Confidential level using the Certified Mail service.

Since Certified Mail provides both proof of mailing and proof of delivery, a copy of each Certified Mail transaction is kept on file by the United States Postal Service. Certified Mail can be done either with or without "return receipt requested", often called "RRR", which costs an additional fee. The return receipt is a green postcard-sized paper that is mailed back to the sender by the post office upon receipt by the addressee as proof of delivery. Today the USPS new Return Receipt Electronic (RRE) provides electronic proof of delivery information. When the letter reaches its final delivery destination the letter carrier captures the signature of the person that accepts the letter and the information is electronically stored. Any person can sign for the item.

U.S. certified mail began in 1955 after the idea was originated by Assistant U.S. Postmaster General Joseph Cooper.


Several online services attempt to modernize and streamline the process of sending certified mail. Some create SaaS private databases for RRE documents.


See also

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  • certified mail — ➔ mail1 * * * certified mail UK US noun [U] US ► COMMUNICATIONS RECORDED DELIVERY(Cf. ↑recorded delivery): »The United States Postal Service offers a certified mail receipt when you need a confirmation that your article arrived at its destination …   Financial and business terms

  • certified mail — n. A delivery service offered by the United States Postal Service that is often used to send legal notices to addresses within the United States. Upon the payment of a fee, the sender is given a receipt when an item is mailed and a record of the… …   Law dictionary

  • certified mail — A service that provides the sender with a mailing receipt. A record of delivery is kept at the post office of address. This type of mail must be sent at First Class Mail or Priority Mail rates. Certified mail may be combined with return receipt… …   Glossary of postal terms

  • certified mail — ☆ certified mail n. 1. a postal service for recording the mailing and delivery of a piece of first class mail 2. mail recorded by this service: it is not insurable …   English World dictionary

  • certified mail — noun uncount AMERICAN mail that is recorded when you send it and again when the post office delivers it The person you sent it to signs their name to prove they received it. British recorded delivery …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • certified mail — n [U] AmE a way of sending post in which someone records that you have sent it, and the person it is sent to must sign their name to prove they have received it British Equivalent: recorded delivery …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • certified mail — noun : first class mail for which proof of delivery is secured but no indemnity value is claimed compare registered mail * * * noun [noncount] US : mail for which a person must sign an official document stating that it has been received He sent… …   Useful english dictionary

  • certified mail — cer′tified mail′ n. phi uninsured first class mail requiring proof of delivery • Etymology: 1950–55 …   From formal English to slang

  • certified mail — Form of mail similar to registered mail by which sender may require return receipt from addressee …   Black's law dictionary

  • certified mail — Form of mail similar to registered mail by which sender may require return receipt from addressee …   Black's law dictionary

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