- Kruger Products
The company has operations in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Latin America and employs over 10,000 people.
As part of Kruger's purchase of Scott Paper Limited, Kimberly-Clark agreed to transfer several trademarks originally owned by Scott U.S., such as "Tournament of Hearts" and "Purex", to the Canadian firm, and continued to license several others including "Scott", "Cottonelle" and "ScotTowels" until June 6, 2007, at which time Kimberly-Clark became free to introduce new products under those names in Canada. [ [http://www.sedar.com/DisplayCompanyDocuments.do?lang=EN&issuerNo=00001937 Regulatory filings - see "Annual information form" for trademark licence explanation] - see also [http://www.cipo.gc.ca/ Canadian Trade-mark Database] ] The company was also required to change its name by that date, and adopted the Kruger Products name in fall 2006. Since 2004 Kruger was allowed to begin transitioning many of the brands in the latter group to new trademarks owned outright by Kruger.
As well, the "Scotties" brand has been licensed to Kruger until at least 2021, with the possibility of renewal for successive 25-year terms; Kimberly-Clark already owned the
Kleenex brand and presumably would have no need to reclaim this trademark.Products
* Cashmere
bathroom tissue (Eastern Canada only; formerlyCottonelle )
* Purex bathroom tissue (Western Canada only)
*SpongeTowels paper towels (formerlyScotTowels )
*Scotties facial tissue ("Note: Another Canadian company, Irving Tissue, owns the U.S. licence")
* White Swannapkin s, bathroom tissue, paper towels and facial tissue (value brand)
* Capri bathroom tissue (value brand)
*White Cloud bathroom tissue, facial tissue (U.S. only)References
External links
* [http://www.krugerproducts.ca Kruger Products Official Website]
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