Grasulf II of Friuli

Grasulf II of Friuli

Grasulf II, [Grasulf I was merely the father of Gisulf I, the first duke of Friuli, and thus grandfather of Grasulf II.] son of Duke Gisulf I, was the duke of Friuli after the assassination of his nephews, Tasso and Kakko, in Oderzo in 616 or 617. His other nephews, Radoald and Grimoald, left Friuli for the Duchy of Benevento because they did not wish to live under Grasulf. Nothing more is known about Grasulf and the date of his death is uncertain. He died at Cividale.



*Paul the Deacon. [ "Historia Langobardorum"] . Available at Northvegr.

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