

Uldin (d. 412) was one of the primary chieftains of the Huns located beyond the Danube during the reigns of Arcadius (394–408) and Theodosius II (408–450). He did not, however have total control of the Hunnic people.

Uldin first became known to the Romans in December 400, when he decapitated Gainas, and sent the head to Arcadius as a gift. Five years later, Uldin led a body of Huns, together with his allies the Sciri, in the service of the western Magister Militum, Stilicho, against the invasion of Radagaisus.

Uldin's invasion of Moesia in 408 was repulsed, with thousands of his Germanic allies falling into Roman hands. Uldin was forced to retreat.

Uldin died in 412, and the Huns divided into three large groups.


* Bunson, Matthew. "Uldin." Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 1994. Facts On File, Inc. Ancient History & Culture. [http://www.factsonfile.com]

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