

Salona was an ancient Illyrian Delmati city in the first millennium BC. [ [ Solin early history] ] After conquest by the Romans, Salona became the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. When the Roman Emperor Diocletian retired, he erected a monumental palace nearby; this massive structure, known as Diocletian's Palace, [ [ C.Michael Hogan, "Diocletian's Palace", The Megalithic Portal, A. Burnham ed] ] became the core of the modern city of Split. In present times Salona (or Salon) is situated near today's town of Solin (near Split).

Salona was largely destroyed in the invasions of the Avars and Slavs around the year 639 AD. [Charles George Herbermann, "The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference" (1913)]

ee also

*Jadro River [ Salona tour]


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