Flavia Maximiana Theodora

Flavia Maximiana Theodora

Flavia Maximiana Theodora (known as Theodora) was the stepdaughter of Maximian. Her parents were Afanius Hannibalianus and Eutropia, later wife of Maximian. Theodora's father was consul in 292, and praetorian prefect under Diocletian. In 293, Theodora married Flavius Valerius Julius Constantius (later known as Constantius Chlorus), after he had divorced from his first wife, Helena, to strengthen his political position.

The couple had six children:

*Flavius Dalmatius;
*Julius Constantius, father of Roman Emperor Julian;
* Hannibalianus (must have died before the imperial purges that occurred in 337 because he is not listed among its victims);
*Flavia Julia Constantia, wife of Roman Emperor Licinius;
*Eutropia, mother of Nepotianus.

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