- God, Heaven, and Har Magedon
"God, Heaven and Har Magedon: A Covenantal Tale of Cosmos and Telos" (
2006 ) isReformed theologian Meredith G. Kline 's major work in many ways summing up his contributions to biblical andcovenant theology , written for a more general audience.The book focuses on defining the Mountain of God (Har Magedon) and the
holy war waged for that mountain throughout the different eras of the history of redemption described in the Old and New Testaments. In the course of the book Kline outlines an "eschatological megastructure" and shows how this structure repeats itself in the three main biblical eras: before theflood ; between the flood and the Incarnation of Christ; and in the current age from the Incarnation of Christ to theSecond Coming .The book is very striking in describing universal biblical patterns, events, and types, and presenting a unified big picture that in a real way puts a capstone on classical covenant theology which has been developing in
Reformed Theology since the16th century .
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