Thomas Sawyer

Thomas Sawyer

Thomas Sawyer or Tom Sawyer is a name shared by the following individuals:

Political figures

*Tom Sawyer, Baron Sawyer (born 1943), English politician whose original name is "Lawrence Sawyer"; General Secretary of the Labour Party (1994–98); trade unionist
*Thomas C. Sawyer (born 1945), American politician, known as "Tom Sawyer"; member of the Democratic Party; represented Ohio's 14th congressional district from 1987 to 2003; elected to the Ohio State Senate in 2007
*Tom Sawyer (Kansas) (born 1958), American politician, from Kansas; Democratic nominee for governor in 1998; also state legislator and party chairman

Entertainment industry personalities

*Tom Sawyer (TV writer), American teleplay writer and producer; authored scores of TV episodes between 1976 and 1996; Emmy nomination for song lyrics in an episode of "Murder, She Wrote"
*Tom Sawyer (rapcore), American musical performer who works the turntables for Critical Bill, the rapcore group formed in 2002 in Mount Clemens, Michigan

Fictional characters

*Tom Sawyer, celebrated American adolescent boy, from Missouri; first appears in Mark Twain's 1876 novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

ee also


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