1981 in LGBT rights

1981 in LGBT rights



*February 5 - In Canada, Toronto police raid city bath houses, arresting 286 people.
*February 6 - About 3,000 protestors stage the largest-ever sit in protests in Toronto streets to decry city police raids on bath houses.
*February 10 - U.S. advocacy group Moral Majority announces a $3 million fund to fight against gay rights advances.
*February 20 - Protest crowds in Toronto swell to 4,000 in the fight to stop police crack down on bath houses.


*March 6 - Toronto Gay Community Council holds first meeting.
*March 1 - The Billy DeFrank Lesbian and Gay Community Center first opens its doors in a two-room store front in downtown San Jose, California.


*April 28 - Billie Jean King sued for palimony by Marilyn Barnett, during which King denies her homosexuality. She later admits she is a lesbian.


*May 14 - The Ronald Reagan administration cancels White House subscription to "The Advocate".
*May 15 - Twin Cities Gay Men's Chorus holds its first concert in Minnesota.
*May 18 - First lesbian pride march held in Vancouver after the fifth Binational Lesbian Conference.


*June 5- Centers for Disease Control receives first known reports of the disease AIDS found in Los Angeles', New York City's, and San Francisco's homosexual communities


*July 3 - The New Democratic Party of Canada calls for amending the "bawdyhouse" section of the Criminal Code, which is often used to raid gay bathhouses.


*December 1:
** The Ontario legislature defeats an amendment which would have added "sexual orientation" to the human rights code.
*December 21 - New York City Gay Men's Chorus is the first openly gay music act to perform at Carnegie Hall.
*December 31 - In Minneapolis, Minnesota two gay men are attacked as they leave a local gay bar. The police arrive and a brawl ensues between the police and the gay men. The gay men are arrested while their attackers go free.



External links

* [http://www.advocate.com Web site for Advocate news magazine]
* [http://www.365gay.com 365gay.com]
* [http://news.google.com/news?as_q=&svnum=10&as_scoring=r&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&btnG=Google+Search&as_epq=&as_oq=gay+lesbian+bisexual+transgender+homosexual&as_eq=&as_nsrc=&as_nloc=&as_occt=any&as_drrb=q&as_qdr=&as_minm=1&as_mind=20&as_maxm=2&as_maxd=19 Google search for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender news]

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