

Infobox Comet

discoverer=J. G. Westphal
discovery_date=July 24, 1852
designations=nobr|21P/1852 O1; 1852 IV; nobr|21P/1913 S1; 1913 VI; 1913d
epoch=1913-11-09 (JD 2420080.5)
semimajor=15.642 AU
perihelion=1.2540 AU
aphelion=30.030 AU
period=61.87 a
last_p=January 3, 1976 (unobserved)
next_p=May 4, 2038

20D/Westphal is a periodic comet in our solar system, originally discovered by the German astronomer J. G. Westphal (Göttingen, Germany) on July 24, 1852.

It was independently discovered by the American astronomer Christian Heinrich Friedrich Peters (Constantinople) on August 9.

The comet was last seen between September 27 and November 26, 1913, first by Pablo T. Delavan (La Plata Astronomical Observatory) and then others. It was predicted to return in 1976 but was never observed, and is now considered lost.

External links

* http://www9.ocn.ne.jp/~comet/pcmtn/0020d.htm
* [http://cometography.com/pcomets/020d.html 20D at Kronk's Cometography]
* http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/releases/allsky/doc/ancillary/all.comet.tbl.html (orbital elements)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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