Loumonvi Fombo

Loumonvi Fombo

Loumonvi Sodzadan Fombo (born January 3 1951 [http://www.assemblee-nationale.tg/charpente/deputes/cv-deputes/cv-fombo.htm CV at National Assembly website] fr icon.] ) is a member of the Pan-African Parliament from Togo.

Fombo was born in Atakpamé and is a member of the Ifê ethnic group. In 1996 he became Regional Director of Agriculture, Breeding, and Fishing in Plateaux Region, and he was subsequently elected to the National Assembly of Togo. He was First Vice-President of the National Assembly from 2000 to 2002, and he was re-elected to the National Assembly in the October 2002 parliamentary election from the First Constituency of Ogou Prefecture. [ [http://www.assemblee-nationale.tg/charpente/deputes/par-regions.htm List of deputies by region] (lists deputies from the 2002-2007 parliamentary term) fr icon.] Standing as the candidate of the ruling Rally of the Togolese People (RPT), he was the only candidate in his constituency due to an opposition boycott, but it was nevertheless alleged that young people were driven around to different polling stations to vote for him multiple times. [Jim Gbadegbe, [http://www.icilome.com/nouvelles/news.asp?id=22&idnews=1181&f= "Elections Législatives anticipées du 27 Octobre"] , iciLome.com, November 2, 2002 fr icon.] Following this election, he became President of the National Assembly's Human Rights Commission. In 2004, he was elected to the Pan-African Parliament.


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