

Infobox Commune de France
maire=Jean-Pierre Constant
intercomm=Pays d'Aubenas-Vals
alt moy=237
alt mini=170
alt maxi=421

Aubenas is a commune in the southern part of the Ardèche department in the Rhône Valley in southern France.

It is the seat of several government offices. The surrounding countryside, mountainous and rugged, is popular for vacation homes.

The Ardèche River flows through the commune.

Aubenas is part of the "Pays d'Aubenas-Vals", composed of 10 towns and villages including Vals-les-Bains, for approximately 23,000 people.Aside from a long-year commercial activity, Aubenas has a good strategic position on the touristic field, at crossroads of a regional natural park, the zone of the Ardèche river canyon, and the start of mountains.

The chestnut industry is one testimony of the intense agricultural activity earlier in time.

Twin towns

Aubenas is twinned with:
* Cesenatico, Italy
* Delfzijl, Netherlands
* Schwarzenbeck, Germany
* Sierre, Switzerland
* Zelzate, Belgium
* Palamos, Spain (friendship agreement)

ee also

*Communes of the Ardèche department


"Based on the article in the French Wikipedia."

External links

* [ Town council website] (in French)
* [ Tourism office website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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