- Zeidane Ould Hmeida
Zeidane Ould Hmeida (born 1955?Abdelaziz Barrouhi, [http://www.jeuneafrique.com/jeune_afrique/article_afrique_dossier.asp?art_cle=LIN12065priortervua0&dos_id=128 "« Priorité à la lutte contre la pauvreté »"] , Jeuneafrique.com, June 12, 2005 fr icon.] ) is a former politician in
Mauritania . During the presidency ofMaaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya , Hmeida was appointed as Minister of Industry and Mines onNovember 4 2001 , [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20020325142956/http://www.presse-francophone.org/francophonie/francophonie_gouvernements_mauritanie.htm List of members of the government of Mauritania (2002 archive page)] , presse-francophonie.org fr icon.] with his responsibilities including oil; he was then appointed as Minister of Oil and Energy, a new portfolio, [http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=86&art_id=qw1112158621230B256 "Mauritanian ministers get huge bonus hike"] , Reuters ("IOL"), March 30, 2005.] by Taya onMarch 29 2005 . Hmeida lost his position in August 2005, when Taya was overthrown.References
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