- Jan Mikusinski
Prof. Jan Mikusiński (
April 3 , 1913 Stanisławów -July 27 ,1987 Katowice ) was a Polish mathematician known for his pioneering work inmathematical analysis . Mikusiński developed anoperational calculus - "44A40 Calculus of Mikusiński" , which is relevant for solvingdifferential equations . His operational calculus is based upon analgebra of the convolution of functions with respect to theFourier transform . From the convolution product he goes on to define what in other contexts is called the field of fractions or a quotient field. These ordered pairs of functions Mikusiński calls "operators" - "Mikusiński Operator , 44A40" . He's also well known forMikusinski's Cube andAntosik-Mikusiński Theorem ,Mikusiński convolution algebra etc. .Trivia
Katowice is Prof. Jan Mikusiński street .External links
* [http://www.matematycy.interklasa.pl/karykatury/nazwisko.php?str=mikusinski Caricature of Jan Mikusinski]
* Rachunek operatorów http://matwbn.icm.edu.pl/kstresc.php?tom=30&wyd=10&jez= (Operational Calculus "in Polish")part. 1 http://matwbn.icm.edu.pl/ksiazki/sm/sm77/sm7711.pdfpart. 2 http://matwbn.icm.edu.pl/ksiazki/sm/sm77/sm7712.pdf original paper 1944 1983 (english)* http://ux1.math.us.edu.pl/instytut/historia/mikusinski/mikusinski.html
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