Lex Burgundionum

Lex Burgundionum

The "Lex Burgundionum" (Burgundian Laws, also "lex gundobada" or "loi gombette") refers to the law code of the Burgundians, probably issued by king Gundobad.

It is influenced by Roman law and deals with domestic laws concerning marriage and inheritanceas well as regulating weregild and other penalties. Interaction between Burgundians is treated separately from interaction between Burgundians and Gallo-Romans. The oldest of the 14 surviving manuscripts of the text dates to the 9th century, but the code's institution is ascribed to king Gundobad (died 516), with a possible revision by his successor Sigismund (died 523).

The "Lex Romana Burgundionum" is a separate code, containing various laws taken from Roman sources, probably intended to apply to the Burdundians' Gallo-Roman subjects. The oldest copy of this text dates to the 7th century.

ee also

*Early Germanic law
*Lex Alamannorum
*Lex Salica
*Visigothic Code


* Katherine Fisher Drew (trans.) (1972) "The Burgundian code: book of constitutions or law of Gundobad" University of Pennsylvania Press

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