- Rumiñahui (Inca warrior)
Rumiñahui, or alternatively Rumiaoui, born late 15th century, died
June 25 1535 , was anInca warrior who, after the death of EmperorAtahualpa 's, led the resistance against the Spanish in the northern part of the Inca Empire (modern-day Ecuador) in 1533. Though his real name was Atic Pillahuaso, born in Píllaro (actual province ofTungurahua ,Ecuador ), he was nicknamed "Rumiñahui" which inKichwa (Note; Quechua is spoken by the indigenous inhabitants of Peru and Bolivia, Kichwa is spoken by the indigenous people of Ecuador) means "eyes of stone)". Inca historians tend to believe that he was Atahualpa's half brother, born from a native noble woman. AfterFrancisco Pizarro captured Atahualpa and demanded a ransom to release him, Rumiñahui had been marching towardsCajamarca to deliver a huge amount of gold. Nonetheless, even as the Spanish obtained a room of gold, they still ordered Atahualpa's immediate execution out of distrust. Once Rumiñahui learned of this, he returned to the area that is now Ecuador, believed to have thrown the gold off a cliff, and prepared to resist the Spanish. Pizarro sent his lieutenantSebastián de Benalcázar to capture Rumiñahui, takeQuito and bring whatever gold. The forces of Rumiñahui and Benalcázar met at theBattle of Mount Chimborazo , where Rumiñahui was defeated. However, before the Spanish forces captured Quito, Rumiñahui had it burned to the ground, and killed the temple virgins to preserve their purity. Rumiñahui was eventually captured, tortured and killed by the Spanish, however he never revealed the whereabouts of the treasure now known as theTreasure of the Llanganatis .Trivia
In 1985 the Ecuadorian Congress made December 1st of every year a day of remembrance for the personality of Rumiñahui as an indigenous hero and defender of the reign of Quito.
Rumiñahui's portrait was the prominent image on the front of the 1,000
Ecuadorian sucre note.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.