

"Quadgt" is an early 1970s text-based computer game for BASIC designed by People's Computer Company resembling "Mastermind" and "Bagels", in which one must guess a 4-digit number which the computer is "thinking of." This game also has an attitude, limiting the number of guesses possible. The game appeared on page 12 of the book "What to Do After You Hit Return or P.C.C.'s First Book of Computer Games".

A Sample Run of the Game

"User input has been bolded.""Computer output is in normal text."

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This game is played as follows:

I will choose a 4 digit number. No two digits will be the same.Your job will be to figure out what digits I picked.

Make your guess by entering a 4 digit number. I willrespond with a 2 digit number. My response indicates twothings. First, I tell you how many digits you guessed arein the number I chose. Second, I tell you how many digitswe placed in the correct position within the chosennumber.

For example, if you guess 1463 and I respond with31 then you got 3 of the digits which appear in theanswer but only one digit is in the correct position.Thus, the number I chose could possibly be 0364.

The experienced player will average 5 or 6 guesses per game.

Enter your first 4 digit guess.

1234 20

2156 31

2517 20

7128 10

3475 20

5163 20

2163 20

5173 10

3456 31

3256 31

3156 21

2356 31

You are obviously a beginner. Here's a hint.

The first digit is a 4

4256 42

4265 41

4526 41

I'm beginning to lose my patience.The first two digits are 46If you can't get it now, give it up.

4625 42

4652 44

You got it in 17 guesses. Play another game?no

External links

* [http://cellblock.homeunix.com/~bm3719/src/game_dev/quadgt/quadgt.c quadgt.c] - C Port of Quadgt.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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