Infobox VG| title = Gun Metal
developer = Rage Software
publisher = Xbox:
designer =
engine =
released =Xbox:
genre = Shooting, flight simulator
modes = Single player
ratings = ESRB: Teen
platforms = Xbox, PC
media =
requirements =
input =
"Gun Metal" is a 3-D shooting game, released in 2002, for the Xbox and PC by the now defunct Rage Software Limited. The lead artist Nick Tipping and lead programmer Mark Featherstone on Gun Metal went on to form Moonpod.
Gun Metal allows players to pilot a futuristic mech which can transform into a plane. The game is based around a war (sometime in the future) on a planet called Helios, where humans have settled. Enemy spacecraft have followed them from Earth and are attempting to exterminate the colony. Project Gunmetal is a massive operation which oversaw the creation of a supremely powerful war machine. In its primary form, a walking "humanoid" mech many dozens of feet high, it possesses a range of 12 weapons and an electronic shield. At the push of a button, it transforms into an advanced fighter jet reminiscent of a modern fighter jet. It also possesses 12 weapons, ranging from napalm, pulse cannons, harpoons and rockets.
= History[History section taken from the game manual] =]
It was to be the most profound scientific milestone in the history ofmankind; the ability to stabilize wormholes in space brought aboutthe long awaited age of faster-than-light travel. The handful of Earthtypeplanets, which had been encountered through decades of deepspace exploration, would now be linked to Earth and colonized inonly a matter of years. After much deliberation, it was announcedthat the planet Helios was to host the maiden jump-gate destination.Construction would begin at once.International tensions increased as the promise of a new worldbeckoned. A cold war exploded into full-scale conflict as the factionsthat were to remain on Earth reacted with force. The war was quickand brutal and eventually our ancestors had no option other than tobegin their exodus to Helios. As the jump-gate was threatened, aheroic last stand held off the attackers and resulted in the gate’sdestruction.…The new civilization on Helios flourished. A global senate eradicatedterritorial disputes while law and order was enforced through a bodyknown as the Internal Security Corps. The ancient jump-gate was tohang high above our world for all time, a memorial to the past.…They attacked without warning! The gate burst into life and from itspilled a seemingly endless armada of ships. Mercifully, the enormous strain on the archaic technology soon became too great and, with its destruction, the flow of enemy craft was stemmed. For years the battles raged as we fought a continual retreat……Now, with the war all but lost, the senate has at long last approved aproject codenamed Gun Metal. Almost all remaining resources havebeen focused on the construction of a weapon that will finally turn thetide of war: a powerful and highly versatile battle unit – the HavocSuit. Standing 10 meters tall, equipped with an arsenal ofdevastating weaponry and capable of transforming into a highlymaneuverable jet fighter, only this formidable battle machine has thepotential to halt the invading foe. The Havoc Suit is to be piloted by the most gifted and resourceful of all our officers, sadly there are few who believe you might succeed where so many others have failed…
= Weapons[Weapons section taken from the game manual] =]
There are 3 "stages" of weapons: Current, In Development, Future.Current weapons for Havoc Suit (robot form) consist of:
Machine Pistols
Double firepower, unlimited ammo and assisted targeting makeit hard to miss the mark with the Machine Pistols. Perfect mainstayweaponry when you want to focus on mastery of The Havoc.
Flak Gun
Explosive charges blast clusters of high velocity shrapnel from theFlak Gun barrel. The indiscriminate spread nature makes foreffective crowd control yet 'up close and personal' its effects can bedevastating.
Heavyweight and highly accurate, Torpedoes are extremely effectiveagainst armored targets. Their ability to 'hug the ground' gives rise totactical deployment that effectively evades enemy line of sight.
Disk Launcher
These titanium projectiles spin at a speed so ferocious that theyattract and sustain a concentrated plasma cloud. The razor sharpdisks will burn and rip through most targets but can also ricochetdangerously.----For the Havoc Jet (plane):
Vulcan Cannons
Unlimited ammunition and pinpoint accuracy. Belts of armor-piercingrounds will strip through these wing-mounted chain guns as youchase down every last enemy fighter.
Five overdriven Argon isotope lasers provide an even distribution ofphoton arcs with only a brief charge cycle between shots. ThePhoenix is particularly useful when the skies become congested.
A large payload of vertically launched land-attack cruise missiles.Although accuracy is low, exceptional terrain contour matchingradically reduces premature expiry due to landscape obstruction.
GP Bombs
General purpose unguided explosives with a deadly combination ofblast and fragmentation effects. Propelled forwards with lowaccuracy this weapon is ideal for carpet-bombing multiple groundtargets or large installations.----Current weapons are the first ones you get. Later on, you can access better weapons (like Rockets, Mavericks (big anti-plane rockets), Assault Cannons, and even the almost-"one shot-one kill" Gauss Gun). You can still use older weapons.