1816 in Canada

1816 in Canada

"See also:"
1815 in Canada,
other events of 1816,
1817 in Canada and the
list of 'years in Canada'.



* January 5 - Sir George Prevost dies before consideration of Commodore Yeo's charges; but the Duke of Wellington says: "He must have returned, after the fleet was beaten, I am inclined to think he was right. I have told ministers, repeatedly, that naval superiority, on the Lakes, is a "sine qua non" of success in war on the frontiers of Canada, even if our object should be wholly defensive."
* June 19 - After several years of harassment by agents of the North West Company, Métis and Indians under Cuthbert Grant kill Robert Semple, governor of the Red River settlement, and twenty others at the Battle of Seven Oaks.
* A steam-boat is first placed on Lake Ontario.


* October 5 - George Kingston, meteorologist
* December 1 - Joseph Edouard Cauchon, politician
* December 30 - William Alexander Henry, politician


* January 5 - Sir George Prevost

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