

Kuzbu is an Akkadian word which means "seductive allure" or "sexual appeal." It is also generally thought of as "a divine attribute" or "sacred quality." It is used in the Epic of Gilgamesh to describe both the titular character, Gilgamesh, and other characters as well.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the term is first used to describe the courtesan Shamhat and she in turns uses it to describe Gilgamesh by saying that his "entire body is adorned with seductive allure" (zu ``una kuzbu kalu zumrisu). It is also used to describe Uruk's courtesans. The term is used only in Tablet I of the epic and not in any of the other eleven tablets.


[http://www.asor.org/pubs/walls.pdf Desire, Discord and Death: Approaches to Ancient Near Eastern Myth by Neal Walls]

[http://home.comcast.net/~walkswithastick/relationshipsI.html#K Relationship terms, see kuzbu]

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