

Kluski (singular: "klusek" or "kluska") is a generic Polish name for all kinds of dumplings without a filling, though at times the word also refers to all varieties of noodles as well. It is usually made of chunks of boiled dough. There are several varieties of kluski, depending mostly on the dough. Some of the most popular varieties include:
* Kluski śląskie ("Silesian dumplings") are small (usually large coin sized), circular noodles made of mashed potatoes and potato flour. Usually served with dense sauce, their distinctive feature is a small hole in the middle. Made from wheat and potatoes, and cooked in salty water.
* Kluski czarne ("black dumplings"), also known as kluski żelazne ("iron noodles") a variety of Silesian noodles popular in Upper Silesia. In addition to minced potatoes and flour the dough contains also potato mass which adds to its colour.
* Kluski lane ("poured noodles"), a variety of very small kluski formed by pouring a watery dough made of eggs and flour onto boiling water or soup.
* Kluski kładzione ("laid noodles"), a variety made of eggs, milk and flour, these are formed into a crescent-shaped forms by measuring the thick paste with the tip of the tablespoon and then "laying" it on boiling water. At times soda water is added to the dough.
* Kluchy z łacha ("dumplings from a cloth"), also known as "pyzy", "kluski drożdżowe" or "kluski na parze" ("yeast dumplings" or "vapour-cooked dumplings") a vapour-cooked noodles popular in Greater Poland, distantly related to Czech knedliky.

In modern culinary jargon a kluski noodle is a special type of pastaFact|date=February 2007. The curly dried wide egg noodle, that is purchased in most grocery stores and is used for soup and casseroles, does not have the taste or texture of homemade, soft noodles. Making homemade noodles from scratch is daunting, so many cooks use frozen noodles to get an old fashioned result.

Keeping frozen noodles can be a hassle and many times they will stick together. Enter the kluski noodle. It is a dried noodle that when prepared according to directions should have a taste and texture that resembles the home-style noodle. A lot of recipes call for kluski noodles. Many of the larger grocery stores carry kluski noodles but finding them can be tricky depending on the store and its location.

See also

* Pierogi, a Polish variety of stuffed dumplings
* Klöße, a similar German dish
* Gnocchi, a similar Italian dish
* Nokedli, a similar Hungarian dish


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