- Perseveration
Perseveration is the uncontrollable repetition of a particular response, such as a word, phrase, or gesture, despite the absence or cessation of a stimulus, usually caused by brain injury or other organic disorder.
If an issue has been fully explored and discussed to a point of resolution it is not uncommon for something to trigger the re-investigation of the matter. This can happen at any time during a conversation. This is particularly true with those who have had traumatic brain injuries.
Those with
Asperger's syndrome also display a form of perseveration in that they focus on one or a number of narrow interests. A person with Asperger's might go to a department store repeatedly to look at air conditioners.Several researchers have tried to connect perseveration with a lack of
inhibition ; however, this connection could not be found, or was small. [ [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=14723273&ordinalpos=16&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum The development of executive function in early chi... [Monogr Soc Res Child Dev. 2003 - PubMed Result ] ] [ [http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1467-7687.00285?cookieSet=1&journalCode=desc Blackwell Synergy - Developmental Sci, Volume 6 Issue 3 Page 289-296, June 2003 (Article Abstract) ] ]ee also
Obsessive compulsive disorder
*Asperger's syndrome References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.