

Infobox German Location
Art = Stadt
Wappen = Wappen_Waldkraiburg.pnglat_deg = 48 |lat_min = 13
lon_deg = 12 |lon_min = 24
Bundesland = Bayern
Regierungsbezirk = Oberbayern
Landkreis = Mühldorf am Inn
Höhe = 436
Fläche = 21.53
Einwohner = 24263
Stand = 2007-06-30
PLZ = 84478
Vorwahl = 08638
Kfz = MÜ
Gemeindeschlüssel = 09 1 83 148
Straße = Stadtplatz 26
Website = [http://www.waldkraiburg.de/ www.waldkraiburg.de]
Bürgermeister = Siegfried Klika
Partei = CSU

Waldkraiburg is a town in the district of Mühldorf, in Bavaria, Germany with a population of about 25,000. It is the biggest city in the district of Mühldorf. It is located on the Inn River, approximately ten kilometers southwest of Mühldorf and sixty kilometers east of Munich. Waldkraiburg is one of the bavarian displaced person cities. During World War II, an armour factory fabricated gunpowder on this area. The remaining bunkers were an act as a makeshift for the dispalaced persons from the Sudetenland and Böhmen. Officially founded on April 1st 1950 the community grew fast and in 1960 the municipality of Waldkraiburg was elevated to the status of a city. Today a lot of chemical and engine building factories are manufacturing in Waldkraiburg.

Sport clubs and other assocations

* EHC Waldkraiburg
* EC Grizzly's
* Runningclub LC Bayern
* Motorclub Waldkraiburg in the ADAC
* Rock'n Roll & Boogie-Club "Hot Socks"
* Shooting Club Waldkraiburg
* Squashclub Waldkraiburg
* Diving Club TC Manta
* Dancing Club Weiß-Blau 70 e.V. Waldkraiburg
* VfL Waldkraiburg

Partner cities

* Sartrouville, France

Famous people in Waldkraiburg

* Ferdinand Staeger * March 3, 1880 in Trebitsch, Mähren; † September 11, 1976 in Waldkraiburg, was a German painter.

* Emilie Schindler is buried in Waldkraiburg. She is the wife of Oskar Schindler.

* Peter Maffay grew up in Waldkraiburg.

Sons and daughters of the city

* Julia Mürkens: since January 1, 2007 she owns the title of "Miss Bayern"

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