

Phoenice (Ancient Greek Φοινίκη) in Greek antiquity was the location of the Peace Treaty [Hannibal's War: A Military History of the Second Punic War by J. F. LazenbyISBN-10: 0806130040,1998,page 178,"... the two belligerents with peace proposals, both were more than ready to talk terms. The result was the Peace of Phoinike, by which Philip agreed to surrender the territory of the Parthinoi"] which followed the first Macedonian war. The Treaty of Phoenice resulted in stalemate.The Ancient Greek [Borza, Eugene N. (1992). In the Shadow of Olympus: the Emergence of Macedon (Revised Edition). Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. "Speakers of these various Greek dialects settled different parts of Greece at different times during the Middle Bronze Age, with one group, the 'northwest' Greeks, developing their own dialect and peopling central Epirus. This was the origin of the Molossian or Epirotic tribes." " [...] a proper dialect of Greek, like the dialects spoken by Dorians and Molossians." "The western mountains were peopled by the Molossians (the western Greeks of Epirus)."] city was located in Epirus [Hannibal's War: A Military History of the Second Punic War by J. F. LazenbyISBN-10: 0806130040,1998,,Page 169,"... her wars against the Illyrian pirates, in 229/8. Rome's protectorate extended from south of Lissus (Lesh) to just north of Phoinike in Epirus, and must have been of some concern to the kings of Macedonia since it had come into being. ...] [Strabo. The Geography, Book VII, Chapter 7.5] and was the political center of the Chaonians [Herman, Mogens. An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, 2004, p. 348, ISBN 0198140991. Phoinike seems to have been the political center of the Chaonians.] . It is today called Finiq and is in Albania.


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