Riemann Xi function

Riemann Xi function

In mathematics, the Riemann Xi function is a variant of the Riemann zeta function, and is defined so as to have a particularly simple functional equation. The function is named in honour of Bernhard Riemann.


Riemann's lower case xi is defined as:

:xi(s) = frac{1}{2} s(s-1) pi^{-frac{s}{2 Gammaleft(frac{s}{2} ight) zeta(s).

The functional equation (or reflection formula) for the xi is


The upper case Xi function is defined as:Xi(s) = pi^{-frac{s}{2 Gammaleft(frac{s}{2} ight) zeta(s)and of course obeys the same functional equation.


The general form for even integers is

:xi(2n) = (-1)^{n+1}B_{2n}2^{2n-1}pi^{n}(2n^2-n)(n-1)!} over {(2n)!.

For example:

:xi(2) = {pi over 6}.

eries representations

The xi function has the series expansion

:frac{d}{dz} log xi left(frac{-z}{1-z} ight) = sum_{n=0}^infty lambda_{n+1} z^n.

This expansion plays a particularly important role in Li's criterion, which states that the Riemann hypothesis is equivalent to having lambda_n >0 for all positive "n".



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