Pharyngeal branch

Pharyngeal branch

Pharyngeal branch can refer to any one of several different structures near the pharynx:
* Nerves
** Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve - "ramus pharyngeus nervi vagi"
** Pharyngeal branches of recurrent laryngeal nerve - "rami pharyngei nervi laryngei recurrentis"
** Pharyngeal branches of glossopharyngeal nerve - "rami pharyngei nervi glossopharyngei"
* Arteries
** Pharyngeal branches of ascending pharyngeal artery - "rami pharyngeales arteriae pharyngeae ascendentis"
** Pharyngeal branch of artery of pterygoid canal - "ramus pharyngeus arteriae canalis pterygoidei"
** Pharyngeal branches of inferior thyroid artery - "rami pharyngeales arteriae thyroideae inferioris"

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