

Taping is a form of strapping. It is a procedure that uses tape, attached to the skin, to physically keep in place muscles or bones at a certain position. This reduces pain and aids recovery. Taping is usually used to help recover from overuse and other injuries.

Fact: Latin terminology has to be used in this article.

List of applications

= Upper limbs and chest(thorax) =



Shoulder including the arm


Upper limb



Wrist only

Wrist including thumb




= Inferior limbs =



In the case of Runner's Knee

The knee-cap is taped in place.


For shin splints.

Achilles' heel




For ankle sprainsankle sprains can cause considerable discomfort. 2% of ankle sprains involve broken bones. Often, ligament injuries occur. See physiotherapist to get treatment for the ankle, including taping.


In the case of heel pain (Plantar Fasciitis) or Heel spurs. [http://heelspurs.com/tape.html]

Where the bottom of the foot is taped in sections.

Foot fingers


Hallux Valgus


= Alternatives =

Wraps and braces can be used instead or with taping to stabilize the affected area. Braces might alter muscular activity, where tape should not. Surgery would be a patient's last option. Rest is most important for recovery.

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