Ammonium ferric citrate

Ammonium ferric citrate

Chembox new
ImageFile = AmmoniumFerricCitrate.svg
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OtherNames = Ammonium Iron(III) Citrate; Ammonium ferric citrate; Iron ammonium citrate; 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic Acid, Ammonium Iron (3+) Salt; Prothoate+; and Iron (II) ammonium citrate
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASNo = 1185-57-5
EINECS = 214-686-6
PubChem =

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = C6H8O7·nFe·nH3N
MolarMass =
Appearance =
Density =
MeltingPt =
BoilingPt =
Solubility =

Section3 = Chembox Hazards
MainHazards =
FlashPt =
Autoignition =

Ammonium ferric citrate is a food additive. It is a green or reddish-brown powder which is very soluble in water.

Ammonium ferric citrate is used as an additive in the Scottish soft drink Irn-Bru. Other uses for ammonium ferric citrate include water purification and printing. It is used as a reducing agent of metal salts of low activity like gold and silver and is also in a commonly used recipe with potassium ferricyanide to make cyanotype prints. Ammonium ferric citrate is also used in Kligler iron deeps to determine hydrogen sulfide production in microbial metabolism.

External links

* [ MSDS for ammonium ferric citrate]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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