HMS Courageous (S50)

HMS Courageous (S50)

HMS "Courageous" (S50) was a Sclass|Churchill|submarine|0 nuclear fleet submarine in service with the Royal Navy from 1971.

In 1982, the "Courageous" was sent with her sister ship, the HMS|Conqueror|S48|6, with the British task force to retake the Falkland Islands from the occupying Argentine forces. She returned home later in the year without damage.

The "Courageous" was retired from service in 1992. She is now a museum ship at Devonport Dockyard.

During the HMNB Devonport Navy Days 2006, one of the members of the team currently restoring HMS "Courageous" pointed out that HMS "Valiant" was one of the first Royal Navy submarines to have her reactor removed (hence the box-like structures, visible in the photograph on the HMS|Valiant|S102|6 page, which penetrate deep into the pressure hull. Later attempts on other vessels didn't require these structures). As the "Valiant" had been cosmetically wrecked by this work, HMS "Courageous" was selected for the museum ship to represent the SSN fleet of the Royal Navy during the Cold War. Components were removed from HMS "Valiant" to restore "Courageous".Fact|date=March 2008

HMS "Courageous" was due to be moved in 2007 from her current berth to a new berth, due to development of the HMNB Devonport area where she currently resides.

External links

*HMS Courageous Society website - [ Click here for society news, Courageous history and shop.]
*Royal Navy website - [ Royal Naval Ships and Submarines Are Getting Shipshape For Navy Days.]


HMS Courageous: A Cold War Veteran. Published by the Courageous Society 2008.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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