

In organic chemistry, a semicarbazone is a derivative of an aldehyde or ketone formed by a condensation reaction between a ketone or aldehyde and semicarbazide.

For ketones: :H2NNHC(=O)NH2 + RC(=O)R → R2C=NNHC(=O)NH2

For aldehydes: :H2NNHC(=O)NH2 + RCHO → RCH=NNHC(=O)NH2

For example, the semicarbazone of acetone would have the structure (CH3)2C=NNHC(=O)NH2.

A thiosemicarbazone is an analog of a semicarbazone which contains a sulfur atom in place of the oxygen atom.

Some semicarbazones, such as nitrofurazone, and thiosemicarbazones are known to have anti-viral and anti-cancer activity, usually mediated through binding to copper or iron in cells. Many semicarbazones are crystalline solids, useful for the identification of the parent aldehydes/ketones by melting point analysis.cite book
last = Williamson
first = Kenneth L.
title = Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments, 3rd ed.
publisher = Houghton-Mifflin
date = 1999
location = Boston
pages = 426-7
isbn = 0-395-90220-7

ee also



External links

* [ Description of derivatives at]
* [ Compounds Containing a N-CO-N-N or More Complex Group]

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