Lefortovo tunnel

Lefortovo tunnel

Lefortovo tunnel ( _ru. Лефортовский тоннель or _ru. Лефо́ртово тоннель) is a road tunnel in the Lefortovo District in Moscow, Russia. It is a part of the Third Ring road. At 2.2 km (1.4 miles) long, it is the fifth longest in-city tunnel of Europe (after the Dublin Port Tunnel at 4.5 km, the Södra länken in Stockholm at 4.5 km, the Giovanni XXIII Tunnel in Rome at 2.9 km and North-Western Tunnel in Moscow at 2.8 km).

The tunnel runs under the Yauza River, and water leaks in at some points. When the temperature reaches −38 degrees Celsius (as during the winter of 2005), the road surface can freeze.

It has been nicknamed "The Tunnel of Death" due to its high accident rate and a video circulating around the Internet compiling footage of vehicle accidents recorded by monitoring cameras.

External links

* [http://www.herrenknecht.de/index.php?id=329&tx_dbnhkprojects_pi1%5BresType%5D=detail&tx_dbnhkprojects_pi1%5Buid%5D=388 Tunnel boring equipment] from construction
* [http://www.roads.ru/ttk/lefortovo.htm Street map] , showing the Lefortovo tunnel as a double dotted line
* [http://www.soldatagroup.com/C1256954003EC4A6/type/E8E75A32708FAC87C1256B6F00469BAB/$File/Lefortovo-fr.pdf Lefortovo monitoring] structure monitoring
* [http://youtube.com/watch?v=6fLW3OiH8OQ&mode=related&search= Video] of Lefortovo Tunnel crashes [http://creep.ru/cool/lefortovo.creep.ru.wmv Clean version: Лефортово - тоннель смерти]

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