

Geobox | Settlement
name = Hulín
other_name =
category = Town

image_caption =

symbol = Hulín_znak.jpg
etymology =
official_name =
motto =
nickname =
country = Czech Republic

state =
region = Zlín
region_type = Region
district = Kroměříž
district_type = District
commune = Kroměříž
municipality = Hulín
part =
river =
location =
elevation = 191
lat_d = 49
lat_m = 19
lat_s = 1
lat_NS = N
long_d = 17
long_m = 27
long_s = 49
long_EW = E
highest =
highest_elevation =
highest_lat_d =
highest_long_d =
lowest =
lowest_elevation =
lowest_lat_d =
lowest_long_d =
area = 32.14
area_round = 2
population = 7427
population_date = 2007
population_density = auto
established =
established_type =
mayor = Roman Hoza
timezone =

map_background = Czechia - background map.png map_caption = Location in the Czech Republic
map_locator = Czechia
commons = Hulín
statistics = []
website = []
footnotes =

Hulín (IPA2|ˈɦʊli:n; _de. Hullein) is a town in the Zlín Region, Czech Republic.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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