Carbon accounting

Carbon accounting

Carbon accounting is the accounting undertaken to measure the amount of carbon dioxide equivalents that will not be released into the atmosphere as a result of Flexible Mechanisms projects under the Kyoto Treaty. These projects thus include (but are not limited to) renewable energy projects and biomass, forage and tree plantations.

See Also

Greenhouse gas accounting

Carbon accounting software

A number of programs are created in order to assist with carbon accounting:

* Greenhouse Gas Management Institute for greenhouse gas accounting and management training and education
* BIOMITRE Biomass based climate change, for biomass energy usage
* CAMFor Carbon accounting model for forests
* CAMSAT Carbon management self assessment tool, for companies to measure their offset
* CBM-CFS3 Operational-Scale Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector
* C-FIX Carbon uptake monitoring through satellite images
* CO2FIX One of the oldest carbon accounting applications available, somewhat outdated
* GORCAM Graz / Oak Ridge carbon accounting model, excel spreadsheet
* GEMIS Global emission model for integrated systems
* HWP Harvested wood products, dead wood carbon assessment
* IPCC Greenhouse Gas Inventory software for the workbook based on IPCC guidelines
* : a software tool for energy planning and greenhouse gas mitigation analysis.
* TimberCAM Carbon in wood products assessment

See also

* Flexible Mechanisms

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