

Kuzco is a fictional character and the main protagonist in the movie "The Emperor's New Groove". He is emperor of the Incas, who is turned into a llama by the evil Yzma, his advisor, right after she got sacked for sitting on his throne. His name is a parody of the ancient Incan city of Cuzco.

Kuzco also appears at the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts for meet and greets. He appears in "". He also makes an appearance in the "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" Special Edition DVD in one of the menus.

"The Emperor's New Groove"

In "The Emperor's New Groove", Kuzco was spoiled, selfish, arrogant, cocky, and rude, albeit with a sense of flair and pizzazz. After being turned into a llama and being presumed dead, Kuzco became friends with Pacha, a peasant. Pacha helped Kuzco regain his humanity and his throne by teaching him the meaning of friendship.

In the movie, during the 'funeral' for Kuzco, Yzma says that he was "taken" on the night of his 18th birthday, showing that he is 18 years old in the last half of the movie.

"Kronk's New Groove"

In "Kronk's New Groove", Kuzco is the director and he talks to the audience. He's nicer now. "I'm nice now. Didn't you see the first movie?" In the middle of the movie, Kuzco reminds the audience of Yzma's scheme and even shows us her armpit hair saying, "that's gonna haunt me in my nightmares." Near the end of the movie, he even shows up in woman's clothing at Mudka's, claiming he's Kronk's wife. He announces: "You like how I weaseled my way into this movie?"

"The Emperor's New School"

In "The Emperor's New School", Kuzco has to go to Kuzco Academy, a school he paid for, to stay emperor. He must pass all his classes but Yzma and Kronk are out to make sure he fails (apparently, if he fails so much as one class, it means his chance to become emperor is ruined, and Yzma becomes empress). He is again psychotically self-centered, but more wacky than mean, unlike his character in The Emperor's New Groove.

Kuzco also has a love interest, Malina, in "The Emperor's New School". He refers to her as a "hottie hot hottie". Kuzco and Malina apparently like each other, and he kissed her in "The Emperor's New School" musical. In "Everybody Loves Kuzco", she went on an actual date with him after Kuzco was infected with a cutie potion. She then came on to him, whereupon he ditched her.

In one episode of "The Emperor's New School", it is revealed that Kuzco has a fear of frogs after a traumatic childhood experience with them as a baby (he covers it up by saying to Pacha "Me, Emperor; frog, loser"), but this was soon solved right after Yzma turned him into a red-eyed tree frog who planned to dissect during a biology class. Instead, Kuzco managed to escape (thanks to Kronk) and freed the frogs.In the episode "Working Girl", it was revealed that Kuzco's favorite food is Mudka's Meat Mug which is the only thing he orders. Later, after Yzma stole the recipe, Kuzco was forced to eat something else.

Kuzco's parents

The series also give a little insight on Kuzco's parents. In the episode "Father O Mine" Kuzco's real father appears in a flashback. He appears to look like a strong, muscular man. He was Emperor before Kuzco. Whether or not he was a wise or smart leader is unknown. According to Kuzco and Yzma he was lost at sea on a trip when Kuzco was a baby, and Kuzco inherited the throne. What happened to Kuzco's mother is unknown for she has never been seen in the the series or the flashbacks

Potions Kuzco has been affected by throughout his life

*Llama (The Emperor's New Groove, House of Mouse, A Giftmas Story)
*Turtle (The Emperor's New Groove)
*Parrot (The Emperor's New Groove, The Emperor's Mad Dash)
*Whale (The Emperor's New Groove, The Emperor's Mad Dash)
*Rabbit (Rabbit Face, The Big Fight, The Emperor's Mad Dash)
*Red Eyed Tree Frog (The Adventures of Red-Eyed Tree Frog Man, The Emperor's Mad Dash)
*Elephant (Cart Wash, The Emperor's Mad Dash)
*Girl (Girls Behaving Oddly)
*Toucan-face (Empress Malina)
*Mouse (The Big Fight)
*Butterfly (The Big Fight, The Emperor's Mad Dash)
*Kitten (The Big Fight)
*Chipmunk (Chipmunky Business)
*Bug (Yzmopolis)
*Squirrel (Aw Nuts)
*Puma (Mudka's Secret Recipe)
*Fly (Come Fly with Me)
*Kuzco Man( The Astonishing Kuzco Man)
*Kronk (Citizen Kronk)
*Love Potion (Everybody Loves Kuzco)
*Peanut (Yzma Be Gone)
*Gigantic elephant (Yzma Be Gone)
*Yeti (Yzma Be Gone)
*Gorilla (Yzma Be Gone)
*Monkey (Yzbot)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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