Ahmad Y Hassan

Ahmad Y Hassan

Ahmad Y Hassan أحمد يوسف الحسن(born 1925) is a chevalier of the Légion d'honneur and a historian of Arabic and Islamic science and technology, educated in Jerusalem, Cairo and London with a Ph.D. in Mechanical engineering from University College London. He was Dean of Engineering and later President of the University of Aleppo where he founded the Institute for the History of Arabic Science (IHAS) and was its first director. He also served as Minister of Petroleum, Electricity and Mineral Resources of Syria.

* Visiting Professor at the Department for the History and Philosophy of Science, University College, London
* Member of the International Scientific Committee of the UNESCO’s project: The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture, and the chief editor of Volume IV: Science and Technology in Islam
* Visiting Professor at the Department of Middle East and Islamic Studies, University of Toronto
* Associate of the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology at the University of Toronto
* Member of the editorial committee of the Journal of the History of Arabic Science (JHAS)
* Past member of the Advisory Committee of the United Nations University, Tokyo
* Corresponding member of the International Academy of the History of Science
* Corresponding Member of the Iraqi Academy
* Professor Emeritus of the Institute for the History of Arabic Science (IHAS), University of Aleppo

External links

*cite web
url= http://www.unesco.org/culture/aic/html_eng/comite.htm
title= International Scientific Committee
work= The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture
publisher= UNESCO

*cite web
url= http://www.unesco.org/culture/aic/html_eng/volume4.htm
title= Science and Technology in Islam
work= The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture
publisher= UNESCO

*cite web
url= http://www.history-science-technology.com
title= History of Science and Technology in Islam
work= Ahmad Y Hassan's website

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