Herzog, Fox & Ne'eman

Herzog, Fox & Ne'eman

Infobox Company
company_name = Herzog, Fox & Ne'eman
Law Office
company_type = Partnership (Israel)
foundation = Tel Aviv, Israel (1972)
location = Tel Aviv, Israel
key_people = Michael Fox, Founding Partner
Prof. Ya'akov Ne'eman, Founding Partner
Tuvia Erlich, Senior Partner
industry = Law
products = Legal advice
revenue = Unknown
num_employees = 189
homepage = [http://www.hfn.co.il www.hfn.co.il]

Herzog, Fox & Ne'eman (a.k.a. "Herzog Fox" and "HFN") is the largest law firm in Israel. Fact|date=February 2007 Its offices are in Tel Aviv. The firm was founded in 1972 by three prominent lawyers: the late Chaim Herzog, later to become the sixth President of the State of Israel, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, and member of the Israeli parliament; Michael Fox, formerly a London solicitor, known for his corporate work and his legal contributions to the development of the infrastructure, energy and natural resources of Israel; and Ya'akov Ne'eman, author of numerous books and articles on tax law and respected tax advisor to the government and major local and foreign corporations.

External links

* [http://duns100.dundb.co.il/600074405/index.html Herzog, Fox & Neeman Profile] Dun's 100- 2005
* [http://www.bdicode.co.il/Profiles/Eng/540107158.pdf Herzog, Fox & Neeman Profile] BDI Code- 2005 (PDF file)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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