George Grey Wornum

George Grey Wornum

George Grey Wornum (17 April 1888 -11 June 1957) was a British architect.

George Wornum was born in London. He studied architecture under the guidance of his uncle, Ralph Selden Wornum. He married the American designer Miriam Alice Gerstle in 1923.


Wornum was winner of the Royal Gold Medal for Architecture in 1952, his most famous work is the RIBA building, the Royal Institute of British Architects' own headquarters in Portland Place, London.

He also contributed to the first class interiors of the original RMS Queen Elizabeth liner, and was responsible for the layout of Parliament Square (which, though greatly praised in an article in The Times on 13 November 1952, is under threat of realignment to cope with the heavy traffic of recent years).

His work for Westminster Council included municipal buildings and a simple, stylish design of lamp post, many of which are still in use.

In 1936 he was asked by Westminster and the City of London to co-ordinate all the street decorations for the Coronation of Edward VIII. [Daily Sketch article published 23 July 1936.] This event was of course subsequently cancelled when the new King abdicated.

In 1946 he collaborated with John Gloag on "House out of Factory", a book about the practical side of the design, production and construction of pre-fabricated houses in the aftermath of the Second World War. [Gloag, John. "House out of Factory London". George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1946.]

In his later years he spent some time in Bermuda for health reasons.He died in New York City.


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