Claus Westermann

Claus Westermann
Claus Westermann
Born October 7, 1909(1909-10-07)
Berlin, Germany
Died 2002
Heidelberg, Germany

Parents Mother: Katharina
Father: Diedrich Westermann
Church Lutheran
Writings See section on Writings of Westermann
Congregations served

  • Berlin-Dahlem
  • Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, Berlin
Offices held Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, University of Heidelberg
Title Reverend Doctor

Rev. Dr. Claus Westermann was an Old Testament scholar[1]. He was born on October 7, 1909 in Berlin[2]. Prof. Westermann taught at the University of Heidelberg from 1958 to 1978[2].

Born to African missionaries, he finished his studies in 1933 he became a pastor. During his theological studies he started studying the Old Testament, and became particularly interested in the content of the Psalms. During the Nazi regime he served in the German army for five years where he was a translator on the Russian front. After the war Westermann started preaching again and also went to serve as an Old Testament academic at Heidelberg where he taught for twenty years.

Westermann is considered by many one of the premier Old Testament scholars of the 20th century. Particularly notable in his work is his lengthy and comprehensive commentary on the Book of Genesis, especially Genesis 1-11.


  1. ^ Seeker's Church [1] Creation - God Saw that it was good
  2. ^ a b Luther Seminary [2] Word & World (1/2) 1981
Further reading

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