Isuzu (Anadolu)

Isuzu (Anadolu)

Anadolu Isuzu Automotive Industry & Trading Co. is one of the leading medium-size coach manufacturing companies in Europe whose major shareholders are the Anadolu Group from Turkey, and Isuzu Motors and Itochu Co. from Japan. Its main fields of operation are the production and marketing of light duty trucks and midibuses. Since the establishment of the company in 1984, more than 80,000 commercial vehicles have been produced in accordance with the Isuzu Motors license agreement. Anadolu Isuzu is the first Turco-Japanese joint venture in the automotive sector.

The experience and know-how of Anadolu Isuzu dates back to the Çelik Montaj, which was established in 1965 to build pick-ups and motorcycles. The company continued to produce Skoda pickups until the end of 1986. In 1984 the company started to produce Isuzu vehicles in Istanbul Kartal Plants.

In 1999 Anadolu Isuzu has moved to the new Gebze Şekerpınar facilities, in the city of Kocaeli. The new facilities were established over a land of 230.000 m2 where the company employs nearly 750 people. The facilities include two separate plants for truck and bus manufacturing. The midibus manufacturing plant alone covers an area of 21.750 m2 and has a production capacity of 4000 midibuses per year.

The performance

In 2004, Anadolu Isuzu has celebrated the 20th anniversary of the first Isuzu vehicle rolled off the production line in Turkey. Since 1984 more than 80 thousand Isuzu vehicles have been produced in Kartal and Sekerpinar facilities. Nearly 100 thousand Isuzu vehicles have been sold in the local market. In the last decade nearly 7 thousand vehicles produced in Anadolu Isuzu facilities have been exported.

By the end of 2005, Anadolu Isuzu was the largest midibus producer in Turkey, which also makes the company one of the leading manufacturers in Europe. In the same year Anadolu Isuzu was the best-selling midibus producer in the internal market. Anadolu Isuzu was also the largest midibus exporting company in Turkey, in 2005. The company exports 26/31-seat Euro Turquoise and 27-seat Roybus midibuses to nearly 15 countries in Europe.

Product range


* NQR 3D (12.1 t)
* NQR (7.5 t)
* NPR (7.5 t)

Light trucks

* NKR 55 (3.5 t)
* NKR Low (3.5 t)
* NKR Wide (3.5 t)


* Turquoise (31 Seats)
* Roybus (27 Seats)
* Classic (23/27 Seats)
* Urban (50 passenger)


* DMAX (4x4) Manuel
* DMAX (4x4) A/T
* DMAX (4x2)
* DMAX (4x2) Single Cab


* [ Isuzu Turkey]

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