- Roche, Cornwall
Roche is a village and parish in the
Restormel district of mid-Cornwall , United Kingdom.Near the towns of
Bodmin andSt Austell and also theEden Project , the village is punctuated by "Roche Rock", an outcrop ofgranite with a ruined chapel perched dramatically at the top. Roche Rock has many folkloric tales associated with it, the two most famous being the legend ofJan Tregeagle , a seventeenth century magistrate, who after death found refuge in the chapel and the other being part of theTristan and Iseult tale.A road junction near the centre of the village is home to a few shops and businesses, and there is an industrial park on the outskirts which includes a Skip hire company called 1st Call Skips a large car breakers' yard called Combellack's. Trudgeon is a very common surname in the area, and the Trudgeon fraternity form the backbone of the local cricket club. Also nearby are a number of quarries.
External links
*Notes and photos of Roche Rock from [http://www.themodernantiquarian.com/site/650 "The Modern Antiquarian"]
* [http://crocat.cornwall.gov.uk/dserve/dserve.exe?dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqDb=Catalog&dsqCmd=Overview.tcl&dsqSearch=((text)='roche') Cornwall Record Office Online Catalogue for Roche]
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